Monday, October 7, 2013

The Medium is the Message. The Lost Page.

The lives of your children.

Your children will be natives to this electric world. They will be born into a world without any hiding spots. There are no secrets, no closed doors. Privacy is no longer a right or even a privilege; it is just another 20th century relic. 

            A lack of privacy may seem scary at first. The fact that within minutes I can find out where you live, where your grandmother lives and the name of her childhood dog is terrifying. We are all connected whether we want to be or not.

            The foreclosure of privacy is also wonderful. For the first time, traditional forms of education no longer monopolize the world’s wealth of knowledge. We can share ideas, concepts, art, literature and news from across the world, instantly. This free exchange of ideas has opened the floodgates to advancements in all sorts of academia.

            The concept of the child is changing. The 19th century child is gone. Moral values can now be taught to children by what they see on tv, on the web and what they read. Some of their teachers are artificial, that doesn’t make the lesson any less real. Worldwide, we are replacing the teacher with the screen. There is a virtual classroom with students from all over the globe attending. This disintegration of teacher-student interpersonal relationships creates an “Us and Them” relationship. THE students, THE teacher.

With the immediate spread of information, comes a change in the way we interact as a society. It is no longer the individual, the self, but rather the era. There are THE baby boomers, THE generation x, THE millenials and THE digital natives. This assimilation of cultures and beliefs will aid in fostering an age of understanding. Will we ostracize racism? Will hate be taboo? Maybe. But with the sharing of ideas springs another question. Who’s thoughts are you thinking?